Get the label on
equal pay

Fair-ON-Pay aware: the label for small companies

The label  Fair-ON-Pay Aware label aims to raise awareness of equal pay by encouraging small businesses to actively address the issue, carry out regular analysis and take corrective action. The mission of Fair-ON-Pay Aware is to enable small companies with less than 100 employees to actively and regularly monitor their compliance with equal pay using the Logib Module 2 tool. Logib Module 2 has been labeled 2021 as EPIC good practice tool.

The certification requires one day of workshop, including a job evaluation and an equal pay analysis with Logib module 2. The workshop and the analysis are conducted by Fair-ON-Pay experts according to a systematic process. If the requirements are met, the experts will issue the label. The label is valid for 4 years and requires an annual self-analysis of the company with Logib module 2.

Fair-ON-Pay Aware

  • Complete data basis and correct preparation
  • Training on the topic of equal pay for work of equal value
  • Job evaluation with Logib Module 2
  • Compliance with the 5-threshold in the score of Logib Module 2

Awareness and know-how in a workshop-day

The label requires one day of workshop conducted by Fair-ON-Pay experts which includes a theoretical training about equal pay as well as an equal pay analysis with Logib module 2. Companies need to provide certain personnel data in order for the Fair-ON-Pay experts to prepare the analysis. The reports and, in the case of a positive result, the label can be handed over to the company directly at the end of the workshop.


white printing paper with numbers


Data Delivery

  • Data delivery (with checklist & template)
  • Validation and preparation of data for analysis

your approx. workload in hour


turned on black and grey laptop computer

Core Process Steps

Workshop day

  • Verification of base data & questions to the client
  • Theoretical training on the principle of “equal pay for work of equal value”
  • Job evaluation after Logib module 2
  • Analyses with Logib module 2 and debriefing of the results
  • Demonstration of Logib module 2

your approx. workload in day


magnifying glass near gray laptop computer


Issuance of label

  • Experts prepare a full technical report with detailed information on data preparation
  • Experts prepare a results report with details regarding the process, method and results
  • Issuance of the label “Fair-ON-Pay aware”

no workload on your side

The Fair-ON-Pay experts maintain absolute confidentiality (the data submitted will not be used for other services).

Ready to get certified?


Comp-On AG, HR Solutions
c/o Fair-ON-Pay Association
Bahnhofplatz 3h, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland