Get certified

Fair-ON-Pay: a pragmatic process with a single point of contact

Fair-On-Pay’s standardized process is simple and efficient. Companies only need to provide certain personnel data. Fair-ON-Pay experts then take over the entire preparation of the data and its consistent and correct processing for the gender pay gap analysis. Therefore, no on-site meetings are required.

The process itself is divided into several steps. Fair-ON-Pay experts are your direct point of contact throughout the process. In general, the Fair-ON-Pay analysis process takes only 4 to 6 weeks.


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Data Delivery & Validation

  • Data delivery (with step by step checklist)
  • Verification of base data & questions to the client (normally 2 to 3 cycles)
  • If needed, survey of the highest level of education per employee with our cloud application “Educati-ON” (self-service)
  • Validation and preparation of data for analysis

your approx. workload in days


turned on black and grey laptop computer

Core Process Steps

Equal Pay Analysis & Reporting

  • Experts run analyses on the basis of alternative calibrations in order to better understand, interpret and qualify the final result
  • Experts prepare a full technical report with detailed information on data preparation
  • Experts prepare an extensive results report with details regarding the process, method and results
  • Experts prepare an additional report with recommendations for action (outliers)

no workload on your side


magnifying glass near gray laptop computer


Independent Audit & Issuance of Certificate

  • Independent quality control of the Fair-ON-Pay reports by SGS
  • Issuance of the SGS “Fair-ON-Pay” certificate
  • Short debriefing with the certified company, in order to explain the results and discuss further steps in matters of communication (do’s and dont’s)

no workload on your side

Fair-ON-Pay: issue of the certificate

The certificate is possible for companies with more than 50 employees. The Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) verifies the compliance of the documents with the Fair-ON-Pay standards and issues the certificate if all requirements are met.

The certificate is valid for 4 years. A maintenance analysis is performed two years after the first analysis.

There are two labels with different requirements:


  • Complete data basis and correct preparation
  • Compliance with statistical threshold of 5%

Fair-ON-Pay Advanced

  • Complete data basis and correct preparation
  • Compliance with the demanding threshold of 2.5%
  • Calculated net gap is not over 5%
  • Narrow confidence intervall (within 7.5% wide)
  • Suitable structural element (other than role)

 The Fair-ON-Pay experts as well as SGS maintain absolute confidentiality (the data submitted will not be used for other services).

Ready to get certified?


Comp-On AG, HR Solutions
c/o Fair-ON-Pay Association
Bahnhofplatz 3h, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland