Fighting the Gender Pay Gap

Attestations / Certifications

Legal Entities / Firms

Currently in the certification process


The Fair-ON-Pay Association actively promotes equal pay in companies. It enables companies to sustainably prove their engagement towards Equal Pay by obtaining the Fair-ON-Pay certificate. The Fair-ON-Pay Association is a member of EPIC – the Equal Pay International Coalition founded by the ILO, UN Women, and the OECD.

Logo Fair-ON-Pay

Fair-ON-Pay rewards companies based on 3 levels of label or certificate. Fair-ON-Pay is only awarded to companies that have gone through a rigid auditing process in which all compensation elements have been processed through a nondiscriminatory & scientific analysis in which a pre-defined threshold is not exceeded. Analyses are carried out by recognized experts and – in the case of Fair-ON-Pay & Fair-ON-Pay Advanced – audited by SGS as an independent quality auditor. The certificate is valid for 4 years and requires regular data analysis.

Label Fair-ON-Pay Aware
(up to 100 employees)

SGS Certificate Fair-ON-Pay
(from 100 employees)

SGS Certificate Fair-ON-Pay Advanced
(from 100 employees)

Download the Fair-ON-Pay Report 2024

The second edition of the Fair-ON-Pay Report compiles the latest findings from over 250 analyzed companies, encompassing approximately 200,000 employees, and presents actionable insights for practical implementation.

Equal Pay – at the center of international issues

Equal pay is an important step in the development of an equitable and sustainable society and is therefore at the center of various national and international claims, standards and laws.

Monitoring and proving compliance with equal pay for work of equal value is thus becoming an increasing priority for companies. With Fair-ON-Pay, we offer a widely recognized solution that enables companies to prove they have taken responsibility for achieving these goals.

National legislation & Employer Branding

Increased interest from employees, shareholders and the public sphere as well as ever increasing country-specific legal requirements (analysis, reporting, etc.) and standards

International Treaties & Agreements

Increase in international agreements and targets to improve pay equality as ILO Equal Remuneration Convention, UN Women, EPIC (Equal Pay International Coalition) and many more

Corporate Social Responsibility

Noticeable increase in new economic standards with regards to corporate social resonsbility (e.g. equal pay as an ESG criteria, EPIC recommendation for regular analysis of equal pay)

Advantages of a Fair-ON-Pay certification

  • proactive and sustainable approach to the issue of equal pay
  • strengthen image as a fair employer
  • concrete recommendations for action
  • high legitimacy & recognized expertise
  • little effort for you

The Fair-ON-Pay Experts

Comp-On AG, HR Solutions

Compensation specialists with over 10 years of experience in conducting equal pay analyses


International network of public accounting, tax and advisory firms which perform professional services under the name of BDO. 


World’s leading testing, inspection and certification company

Ready to get certified?


Comp-On AG, HR Solutions
c/o Fair-ON-Pay Association
Bahnhofplatz 3h, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland